Sunday, December 22, 2019

Comparing Ideas and Images in Four Metaphysical Love Poems...

Comparing Ideas and Images in Four Metaphysical Love Poems â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, â€Å"The Fair Singer†, â€Å"Picture of Little T.C. in a Prospect of Flowers† by Andrew Marvell and â€Å"Sun Rising† by John Donne are all seventeenth century metaphysical love poems. They all contain similar styles and images in which they portray the messages they intend to get across, which give an insight into certain opinions and feelings of men towards women in that era. All these poems talk about the beauty of the woman they are describing. In â€Å"The Fair Singer† he talks about â€Å"both beauties†, her appearance and her voice. He says â€Å"her voice my heart might bind† and â€Å"her voice might captivate my mind† making it seem as†¦show more content†¦The 1600’s were a time when life expectancy was short. Lack of medical knowledge and plague caused many to die young. In â€Å"His Coy Mistress† this is the most prominent theme, as it is the narrator’s argument for the woman to sleep with him, because you never know how long you have left to live. He fanaticises that time does not exist and they have eternity to be together. â€Å"An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes†¦an age at least to every part,† but he knows he does not have this time, and so must get on with things. He also talks of â€Å"time’s winged chariot hurrying near;† showing that he is afraid of not making the most of his time on earth before he dies. Little T.C. also shows the narrator’s fear of the children dying young. He wishes â€Å"That violets may a longer age endure† and that T.C. can live to become the woman he imagines â€Å"spare the buds Lest Flora angry at thy crime†¦Nip in the blossom all our hopes and thee.† In â€Å"The Sun Rising†, Donne blames the sun for keeping time, and wishes that lovers did not only have the limited time of life. â€Å"Must to thy motions lover’s seasons run?† This preoccupation with time causes many of the poems to use comparisons with the sun, which, in a way, creates time. In â€Å"His Coy Mistress†, he talks of â€Å"Time’s winged chariot drawing near†. In Greek mythology, Helios drove a winged chariotShow MoreRelated Song - What views about women are expressed in this poem? Essay examples992 Words   |  4 PagesSong - What views about women are expressed in this poem? John Donne: Song A) What views about women are expressed in this poem? John Donne’s poems all express very different views about women. 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